This post is all about creating fried banana bites covered in chocolate and caramel, because who doesn’t love easy healthy desserts no-bake?!

Chocolate and Caramel Fried Banana Bites | Easy and Healthy Desserts No-Bake
Finding simple and easy healthy desserts no-bake can sometimes be a difficult task, but today I have the perfect quick banana bite recipe for you all!
If you are looking for healthy desserts for kids or for yourself, these chocolate and caramel banana bites will satisfy your tastebuds. Even better, you only need 5 ingredients to make this tasty dessert. You most likely have everything in your pantry already!
I am one who is always looking for a way to make bananas taste better, especially as a baker who experiments a lot with different dessert flavors. After tasting this recipe, I was thoroughly surprised that I really enjoyed them since the texture of bananas usually turns me off. So if you are a banana lover or hater, you are bound to love this easy healthy desserts no-bake recipe!

To start off these 5-ingredients chocolate banana bites, you should gather all the necessary ingredients. Bananas, a cinnamon sugar mix, melting chocolate, caramel, and some grapeseed oil, or oil of choice.
Slice the banana about 1/2 inch thick and melt your chocolate chips or bark and set aside before you get started frying.
The main ingredients that make this dessert healthy and provide you benefits are the bananas and grapeseed oil:
Benefits of Bananas:
- Rich Source of Fiber
- Good Source of Vitamins
- Potassium
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin C
- Promote Heart Health and Digestive Health
Benefits of Grapeseed Oil:
Since grapeseed oil is all natural it is the perfect frying oil for this fried banana bites recipe or any quick and easy healthy desserts!
- High in Polyunsaturated Fats, a heart-friendly alternative to Saturated Fats
- Good Source of Vitamin E
- Virtually flavorless oil that brings out the flavor of ingredients being used
Bananas are a powerhouse of a fruit, so you can feel comfortable using this banana bites recipe for years to come.
Frying the Bananas

You will want to get out a medium sized saucepan and bring your grapeseed oil and banana slices to the stove.
Turn the stove on medium heat and pour in the grapeseed oil. Wait about a minute and test the oil with a banana slice to see if it is hot. Once they sizzle when touching the oil you are ready to throw all the bananas in the pan to make these fried banana bites.
Restrict yourself from moving or trying to flip the bananas with a spatula until after a few minutes. This prevents the browned side of the banana from sticking and totally peeling off.
Another great thing about these easy healthy desserts no-bake is that this banana recipe requires minimal kitchen equipment!
Once both sides have browned lift them off onto a plate layered with paper towel.
Banana Bite Toppings

At this point you should lay out your banana bites on to parchment paper so they are not touching each other.
Gather all your toppings; the cinnamon sugar mix, melted chocolate, and caramel.
To keep it simple, sprinkle on the cinnamon and sugar mix with your fingers first. Then drizzle the melted chocolate and caramel with a spoon.
Another way to add toppings to these chocolate covered banana bites is by putting the caramel and chocolate into a piping bag. Snip the ends and drizzle it for more controlled coverage on your bananas.
The addition of a small amount of sweet touch to this banana bite recipe, makes it a great snack to add to your list of healthy desserts for kids. I know that is specifically what made me love them, and technically we are all kids at heart! 🙂
If you are worried that the cinnamon sugar, chocolate, and caramel are canceling out the healthy side of this dessert…
Here is the Calorie Breakdown of the Recipe:
1 Medium Sized Banana = 89 calories
2 tsp Grapeseed Oil = 80 calories
1 tsp Cinnamon Sugar Mix = 13 calories
1 tbsp Melted Dark Chocolate = 35 calories
1/2 tbsp Caramel = 25 Calories
Total Calories = 242 Calories
When you look at the recipe you will notice that all of the measurements above are halved when it comes to the toppings. This is because realistically when sprinkling or drizzling, only about half of the topping will actually get on the bananas while the rest is on the parchment paper.
Enjoy or Store for Later!

And voila! You have the perfect chocolate caramel fried banana bites.
Grab your kids, wife, husband, mom, sister or whoever and have them try these banana easy healthy desserts no-bake while they are crunchy and warm!
Store these away into a tightly sealed container and slide into your freezer for a cold late night snack that will last you weeks!
Don’t forget to share this recipe with someone you love or print it out and put it in your recipe book for future use.
This post was all about chocolate and caramel covered banana bites, a recipe you can think of whenever you need the best easy healthy desserts no-bake!
Sources: Benefits of Bananas | Benefits of Grapeseed Oil
If you love all things BANANA, make sure to check out our Pecan Cinnamon Banana Nut Muffins!

5-Ingredient Chocolate Caramel Banana Bites
- frying pan
- knife
- 1 Bananas
- 2 tsp Grapeseed/olive oil grapeseed oil is healthier!
- 1 tbsp Caramel I use Hershey's caramel brand
- 2 tbsp Dark Chocolate chips or bark
- 2 tsp Cinnamon Sugar Mix 1 1/2 tsp of sugar to 1/2 tsp of cinnamon
- Cut the bananas into thick 1/2 inch slices. Prepare cinnamon and sugar mix, and melt chocolate and set aside. Set aside a plate with paper towel for after frying
- Pour oil into pan and turn on medium heat. Test a banana to see if it sizzles in the pan, once it has put all bananas in the pan and turn the heat down a little to low-medium heat. After about a minute or until the bottoms are browned, flip them over. Wait another minute and remove from the pan and lay on the paper towel plate you set aside earlier.
- Move the fried bananas onto a piece or parchment or wax paper. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar mix and then drizzle with milk chocolate and caramel.
- Voila! Eat the bananas crunchy and warm or freeze for a quick cold snack throughout the week.